Laura is an award winning journalist, editor and author.
She teaches fiction and creative nonfiction workshops, edits books, personal essays and short stories and runs writing retreats through her business, Sweet Lab Writing Workshops. Her work has appeared in The New York Times, Bloomberg Businessweek, Huffington Post, Brevity, Eat, Darling, Eat, The Forward, The Girlfriend, the Opiate, and elsewhere. She is the author of Sweet Survival: Tales of Cooking & Coping, and is writing a memoir, Sunshine & Neurotransmitters, and a short story collection, Flowering: Numbers & Stories.
Personal Essays & Short Stories
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Essays on Food
Published in Huffington Post
Business Stories
Published in The New York Times and Bloomberg Businessweek
In Hard Times, Is Best Buy’s Best Good Enough?, The New York Times
Move Over, Boomers, Bloomberg Businessweek
Retailing Will Never be the Same, Bloomberg Businessweek
Catastrophe on 34th Street, Bloomberg Businessweek
Allen Questrom’s Ultimate Quest, Bloomberg Businessweek
Elsie May Be Ailing But KKR is Thinking Whipped Cream, Bloomberg Businessweek
A Smoking Marlboro Man, Bloomberg Businessweek
A Destination Close to Heaven, Bloomberg Businessweek
Will the Pepsi Brass Be Drinking Hemlock?, Bloomberg Businessweek
A Rumor of War in the Philip Morris Boardroom, Bloomberg Businessweek
Unemployed and Loving It, Bloomberg Businessweek
A Sagging Bottom Line at Liz Claiborne, Bloomberg Businessweek
The Melodrama at Macy’s, Bloomberg Businessweek
At Macy’s, a Pledge of Fealty to Fidelity, Bloomberg Businessweek
Teens, Bloomberg Businessweek
Traub’s Trumpet, Bloomberg Businessweek
The Smoke Clears at Marlboro, Bloomberg Businessweek
Happy New Year, Macy’s. You’re Under Attack, Bloomberg Businessweek
The Limited: All Grown Up With Nowhere to Go?, Bloomberg Businessweek
Retailing Will Never Be the Same, Bloomberg Businessweek
The Right Moves, Baby, Bloomberg Businessweek
Marlboro Country Blues, Bloomberg Businessweek
Did Leslie Wexner Take His Eye Off the Ball?, Bloomberg Businessweek
The New Ron Perelman Has an Old Problem, Bloomberg Businessweek
Pepsi’s Future Becomes Clearer, Bloomberg Businessweek
Move Over, Boomers, Bloomberg Businessweek
Prudence on 34th Street, Bloomberg Businessweek
Federated’s Slow Ride on the Up Escalator, Bloomberg Businessweek
The Empress of Seventh Avenue, Bloomberg Businessweek
Can These Guys Revive Macy’s?, Bloomberg Businessweek
Wayne and Garth Won’t Make a Dime. Not!, Bloomberg Businessweek
This Bud’s For You. No, Not You. Her., Bloomberg Businessweek
Whales, Human Rights, Rain Forest and the Heady Smell of Profits, Businessweek
Maybe the Limited Has Limits After All, Bloomberg Businessweek
The Suit Market is Coming Apart at the Seems, Bloomberg Businessweek
Minding the Stores, Bloomberg Businessweek
Home Alone With $660 Billion, Bloomberg Businessweek